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Signature Vs Attitude

The various types of Signatures you come across and the attitude of a person are listed below:
Single underline below the sign!
These persons are very confident and are good personalities. They are alittle bit selfish but believe in "Happiness of human life"
Two dots below the sign!
These persons are considered to be Romantic, can easily change their fiancées as if they change their clothes. They prefer beauty in other persons and they themselves try to look beautiful. They easily attract others.
Single dot below the sign!
These persons are more inclined towards classical arts, simple and are verycool. If you loose faith with them, then these persons will never look back at you. Hence its always better to be careful with these people.
No underlines or dots below the sign!
These persons enjoy their life in their own way, never pay attention toothers views. These are considered to be good natured but are selfish too.
Random sign, no similarity between name and sign!
These persons try to be very smart, hide each and every matter, never sayanything in straight forward manner, never pay attention to the otherperson of what he is talking of.
Random sign, similarity between name and sign!
These persons are considered to be intelligent but never think. Thesepeople change their ideas and views as fast as the wind changes its direction of flow. They never think whether that particular thing is right or wrong. You can win them just by flattering them.
Sign in printed letters!
These persons are very kind to us, have a good heart, selfless, are ready to sacrifice their life for the sake of their near and dear. But these seem to think a lot and may get angry very soon.
Writing complete name as their sign!
These persons are very kind hearted, can adjust themselves to any environment and to the person they are talking.These persons are very firm on their views and posses a lot of will power.


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