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Google disabled my Gmail ID with out any reason

Five days back I logged into Linkedin account and found that emails sent to my email address chakravarthy.p [AT] are getting bunced.

I logged into my gmail ID and I was sent to this page

I found that google forwards to this page if one's google Id is suspended by google.

I do not use any google service using this email ID. I use this with job sites and linkedin and forward the mails to my personal ID.

There is no chance that I violated any of their terms.

I have contacted the gmail Team 3 times using the contact link from the forwarded page but they did not respond. Its already been 3 days since my gmail ID got blocked.

Be carefull with your gmail IDs and always back up the personal mails. The worst thing I expect from google happened to me for no reason.

I am using Yahoo from 10 Years and there is not single problem. I started using gmail from May 2005 and they disabled other email account for an hour but then released it immediately.

I am big fan of google and their services. But if they suspend accounts for no reason, I can't rely on them. 

Still waiting for a reply from google to my alternate mail ID.

The worst part of this is google is not giving any clue for suspending my email account and I am not left with any option now. 

You can digg this story at


  1. I am also suffering the same

    Bull shitt Google....

  2. this probably happens when some one needs similar kind of id and google sells the email id if any one needs the same and suspends the current one for no reason.



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