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Showing posts from April, 2010

Google disabled my Gmail ID with out any reason

Five days back I logged into Linkedin account and found that emails sent to my email address chakravarthy.p [AT] are getting bunced. I logged into my gmail ID and I was sent to this page I found that google forwards to this page if one's google Id is suspended by google. I do not use any google service using this email ID. I use this with job sites and linkedin and forward the mails to my personal ID. There is no chance that I violated any of their terms. I have contacted the gmail Team 3 times using the contact link from the forwarded page but they did not respond. Its already been 3 days since my gmail ID got blocked. Be carefull with your gmail IDs and always back up the personal mails. The worst thing I expect from google happened to me for no reason. I am using Yahoo from 10 Years and there is not single problem. I started using gma...