A page in wikipedia tells about the laws in cartoon world. I found it in a blog. Look at some of the laws: Explosives , even if detonated close to a character's face, will cause only scorching of the skin. (Prior to the efforts of the American Civil Rights Movement , characters would often take on the appearance of blackface and sometimes briefly sing a short song such as Way Down Upon the Swanee River .) Similarly, a gun discharged directly into the face will seldom fire an actual bullet but will instead fire what is essentially a directed explosion with the same properties as above, or a flag with the word "BANG!!". Similarly, if a cartoon character is hit by a flat object, such as a cymbal or a large hammer, it will be flattened, and will appear like a pancake for the remainder of the scene, until it either walks off screen or 'springs' back into its normal shape. Characters or objects can come out of telephones. Characters are allowed to swim or blow them...
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